A stroke patient was saved using Join and Rapid, AI diagnostic service in Chile. This is the first case that the patient is saved with 100% recovery using the public health system. Learn more
A stroke patient was saved using Join and Rapid, AI diagnostic service in Chile. This is the first case that the patient is saved with 100% recovery using the public health system. Learn more
Becker's Hospital Review spoke with Harry Reddy, CEO of Allm USA Inc. about the role that cloud-based virtual networks can play in reshaping the patient and provider experience during healthcare emergencies, acute care episodes and community-based care after a hospitalization. Virtual networks — the technology revolution transforming emergency and acute care, Becker's Healthcare
West Virginia University researchers partner with tech company Allm USA Inc. to customize an app that makes triaging patients easier. Telemedicine to Bring Subspecialty Care to Rural EDs in West Virginia, Healthcare Innovation
CEO Teppei Sakano attended the online international conference between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications, and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan on September 4th, 2020, and presented our medical ICT solutions. Uzbekistan and Japan establish cooperation in the field of telemedicine, Uz Daily
West Virginia University customized a stroke scale in JoinTriage to reflect the care that West Virginia's hospitals provide. We are working with the university and other medical institutions to help first responders in West Virginia triage stroke patients efficiently when they respond to a 911 call. WVU working to enhance treatment app, data gathering medical tech, WV News WVU researcher tailors first-responder app to improve stroke outcomes, My Buckhannon Testimonial:...
An article on Join published on Jornal da USP, the newspaper of the University of São Paulo. Clinics Hospital of Ribeirão Preto of the university of São Paulo is developing a telemedicine platform to exchange information among healthcare professionals in the front line of COVID-19 care. Plataforma de telemedicina deve ajudar no tratamento da covid-19, Jornal da USP
Join was introduced as a telemedicine application for COVID-19 on MIT Sloan Management Review, a research-based magazine published at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Inovação (também no Brasil) em tempos de pandemia, MIT Sloan Management Review Brasil
Our solutions and efforts to counter the COVID-19 were introduced on Healthcare IT News, a news site run by HIMSS, the world’s largest organization that deals with ICT utilization in the healthcare field. A guide to telehealth vendors in the age of COVID-19, Healthcare IT News