A clinical research to study the safety and efficacy of thrombectomy was conducted in Brazil and its paper has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine (impact factor 70.670). Join and JoinTriage were used as a telemedicine platform, allowing medical image sharing, teleconsultation, and patient triage. Martins Sheila O, Mont’Alverne Francisco, Rebello Letícia C, et al., Thrombectomy for Stroke in the Public Health Care System of Brazil. New England Journal...
An article on Allm's solution has been published in Journal of Intensive Care. Allm Inc. is mentioned in the article as a medical AI startup company that provides effective solutions for stroke care. Ishii, E., Ebner, D.K., Kimura, S. et al. The advent of medical artificial intelligence: lessons from the Japanese approach. j intensive care 8, 35 (2020). https://jintensivecare.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40560-020-00452-5