The contents of Leadership is now available. Our leadership structure sets priorities and drives our growth as a global organization.
The contents of Leadership is now available. Our leadership structure sets priorities and drives our growth as a global organization.
The contents of Patents is now available.
A stroke patient was saved using Join and Rapid, AI diagnostic service in Chile. This is the first case that the patient is saved with 100% recovery using the public health system. Learn more
CEO Teppei Sakano gives a lecture on "Future Medical & Health Care Brought by Medical ICT and Platform" at 7th COINS Symposium “Future Medicine is Comin' to Town” hosted by Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM), KAWASAKI INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION, on December 4th, 2020. Learn more
Becker's Hospital Review spoke with Harry Reddy, CEO of Allm USA Inc. about the role that cloud-based virtual networks can play in reshaping the patient and provider experience during healthcare emergencies, acute care episodes and community-based care after a hospitalization. Virtual networks — the technology revolution transforming emergency and acute care, Becker's Healthcare
The online opening ceremony of the Peruvian National Institute of Neuroscience's Department of Remote Stroke was held on World Stroke Day, October 29th. Join has been implemented to the institute, and the Peruvian Minister of Health, Dr. Pilar Mazzetti, expressed her appreciation for Japan's cooperation in the field of medicine. Learn more
Allm has partnered with Stryker to facilitate streamlined patient care in European stroke centers and improve communication in the whole stroke treatment workflow. In order to keep the consequential damage of a stroke as low as possible, timely treatment is critical for success. With Join, medical professionals can access patient information and imaging and consult on treatment decisions. Additionally, Join enables them to track patient transfers and ensure the team’s...
West Virginia University researchers partner with tech company Allm USA Inc. to customize an app that makes triaging patients easier. Telemedicine to Bring Subspecialty Care to Rural EDs in West Virginia, Healthcare Innovation
Added new customer testimonial videos to Case Studies. Team communication on pandemic times Prof. Dr. Pedro Lylyk General director of Sagrada Familia Clinic Buenos Aires, Argentina Acute patient tracking with Join Dr. Juan José Cirio Head of the stroke unit Sagrada Familia Clinic Buenos Aires, Argentina Fast and seamless implementation of Join Dr. Juan José Chudyk Chief Medical Informatics Officer Sagrada Familia Clinic Buenos Aires, Argentina
Added Organizational Partners to Partners.